
Sunday, June 7, 2020

Pan Grigio

    By now, you should have stocked up on $30 worth of tax-free batteries for all your essential battery-operated devices if you, like me, reside in the Sunshine State (which, incidentally, is reporting an 80% chance of rain for every day next week).  You should also be proudly displaying a mask dangling from your rear view mirror, much like the CDs of yesteryear.  Hopefully you got to experience the renaissance of drinking at the bar, especially if your mixology skills are limited.
A friend asks, "What do you drink whiskey with?"  My response: "With ice."  My colleague's response: "With friends."
     Speaking of booze, I had to get creative with my breadmaking endeavors (see my recipe) and substitute wine yeast due to the paucity of bread yeast available at the store.

The wine I produce from the muscadine growing in an unattended corner of my backyard is all the rage with oenophiles these days.  Ask your sommelier how you too can be the proud owner of this carefully crafted vintage. 

  Just as I would before embarking on any "spontaneous" venture, I googled it first (sad affliction of our times) and found that people were indeed doing it with some degree of success but a larger quantity of wine yeast is needed because carbon dioxide isn't the principle desired byproduct of such a yeast.  So I proofed my expired Premier Blanc and let it meet my also rare and now prized flour to an acceptable result.  Blue ribbon in the county fair, no, but a fine canvas for a slather of peanut butter during a pandemic.